Center Stage Baltimore| Maryland music photographer

Last night I flew home from Mexico after a wedding I shot and a much needed vacation from reality. The moment I landed, I was picked up by my friend Becca and taken to Center Stage in Baltimore for the Stoop Story Telling series where our boyfriends, Ruben and Joey (also known as Swampcandy) were opening the show with their 1920’s style Delta Blues. I got there just in time to hear them play and snapped off some photos because the venue was so cool. After they finished playing, the story telling series began. This was my first time at one of these events, I’ve been intrigued by them before but never went so I was glad Ruben was playing which forced me to go. The theme of the night was “hauntings” and 8 invited guests were asked to tell their 7 minute story on stage as well as 3 audience members who told 3 minute stories. The stories were awesome. I was sucked in immeaditaly as each presenter had their own style and pulled you into their world for 7 minutes at a time. I’ve never been able to focus during a show, my mind is always racing and I get antsy just sitting in my seat. Not this show…it keeps your attention and you will laugh, cry and be awed by what some people have experienced. I cannot wait until the next one! Everyone should go to check out this awesome event!

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