I am lucky in so many ways | Maryland documentary photographer

This past Friday I had quite an awakening. I hosted a fundraiser for my upcoming trek to India where I will work with a few non-profit organizations and provide them with photographs and hopefully some multimedia pieces that they can use to generate awareness for their causes. The fundraiser was a success in so many ways. I raised enough money for my flight to India, which was my goal and takes some pressure off being able to afford this trip.

I’ve always known that I live in a very supportive community and have so many incredibly supportive friends, but Friday night really humbled me and made me realize that I am one lucky girl. It’s one thing for your friends, family and community to come together and donate money to your cause…whatever it is, but the thing that really made me giddy and extremely confident that I am doing the right thing was that they all came out and showed me that they supported me and my passion. I can’t quite put this feeling into words…I went home that night and just stared at the wall as my eyes welled up with tears, I looked at my boyfriend Ruben (who also had an amazing night playing a most wonderful gig with an old friend) and said, “I can’t believe this is happening”…I am so fortunate to have such great friends and such an aware community that understands that what I am trying to do is not only important to me, but to those that I will help.

I am going on this adventure (hopefully the first of many) to solidify my story-telling skills, to beef-up my photography skills, to become inspired, to learn about another part of the world, to make new friends, to discover more about my individual creative goals and to give love to those who aren’t as lucky as I am. I will come home and use my improved skills to help the non-profits in my own community as I continue to operate my business.

I know that the moment I step off the plane in India that I will be transformed in a way never thought possible.
After my experience on Friday night, I feel like I have a crew of great people behind me every step of the way as I travel through a region that is completely foreign to me. It’s as if they are my little guardian angels that are yelling, ” you go girl” as I walk through the crowded streets and meeting people and telling their stories. I can’t tell you how awesome that makes me feel. I am going to work so much harder, be an great representative for my community and bring back so much love for all those that are my supporters.

So, I thank each and every one of you who came out Friday night and donated, whether it was an item for the silent auction, your time, your money or just love and encouragemet. I also want to thank those old friends and new friends who have made donations online for this trip.

I will be doing regular blog enteries as much as possible during my trip (Jan 26-Feb 26), so if you want to follow along,you can subscribe to get notices or just check in now and then.

Much love to all of you.

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